As there were multiple observations per individual , a random intercept was used for individuals. Utilization of places for each person was estimated using two different approaches. The first method was by checking whether more than two temporally-consecutive GPS points of a person fall within a polygon designated for the person’s home , farms, or forests […]
Author: mobilegrow
This result suggests that there is some degree of toxicity present in these hydrolysates
Our group has demonstrated the applicability of this process by generating hydrolysates with high concentrations of monomeric sugars and organic acids from several feed stocks like grasses, hardwoods, and softwoods, and converting them to terpene-based jet-fuel molecules using engineered strains of the yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides . Nevertheless, it is important to expand the range of lignocellulosic […]
Testing prices are not publicly advertised by licensed laboratories
Study of cannabis as an agricultural crop has been notoriously inadequate, but data provided by the water quality control board’s cannabis program offers critical new insights into the water use practices of cultivators entering the regulated industry. In this initial analysis, we found that subsurface water may be much more commonly used in cannabis cultivation […]
Traffic congestion around the port is also contributing to the slowdown of port operations
Figure 1 shows the annual TEU throughput at the POLA and POLB for the period 1997-2016. Although the explosive growth of the first ten years exhibited a slowdown after the recession of 2008, it has achieved quite a healthy recovery in the last five years reaching or surpassing its pre-recession levels. The numbers in Figure […]
The primary research method I used to conduct my research was participant observation
My in-depth study of drug policy reform at both the organizational and practical levels required me to branch beyond the traditional methods of quantitative sociology. I sought to get the inside story from insiders’ perspectives, to construct new categories of analysis, and to use these categories to understand the ever developing phenomenon of drug policy […]
Swimmers were removed from the filters under a dissecting scope
Globally, seafood consumption has been on the rise for over 50 years. Between 1961 and 2016, the average annual increase in worldwide seafood consumption was higher than the increases in consumption of beef, pork, and poultry combined. While seafood consumption has increased, global fishing catch – the tonnage of wild fin fish, crustaceans, molluscs, and other […]
This indicates that for PMCV it is already too late for this type of action to be taken
These lessons would apply not only to PMCV, but also to infectious diseases whose spread is predominantly via fish movement . The decision to use a susceptible-infected over a susceptible-infected-susceptible model for within-farm spread was based on the fact that different experimental studies have found the viral genome present in tissues of challenged fish throughout the whole […]
A popular approach for surface reconstruction is the representation of surfaces by an implicit function
With the use of a k-d tree structure, the computational complexity of the k-nearest neighbor search scales better than linearly, O) on average, but the structure is not suitable for gradient-based optimization because the derivatives are discontinuous when the set of k-nearest neighbors switches. Outside the domain of non-interference constraint formulations currently employed in optimization, we […]
Estimates for the coefficients on these variables provide the main results of the study
Interestingly, increasing the mean upstream experience of rivals by one unit raises a firm’s vertical integration probability by more than three times the amount caused by increasing the firm’s own upstream experience by one unit. This suggests that the magnitude of bandwagon effects in the generics industry is quite substantial. The number of potential upstream-only […]
The entry process for generic pharmaceutical has greatly evolved over the last three decades
Partly to prevent such situations, the FDA requires originator firms to provide information on the patents covering new drugs as part of their NDA filings. Typically, originators provide information on all relevant patents except for those that only claim manufacturing processes. Once an NDA is approved, a list of patents that are associated with the […]