During my fieldwork campaign, I was not able to answer these questions, but numerous observations provided mixed indications of the nature and importance of ethnic networks in the region. Therefore, simply using language or membership in an ethnic group in the region might be an inadequate indicator, and such networks among farmers need to be […]
Category: mobile grow equipment
Semi-structured interviews lasted approximately one hour with each of the participants
Productivity of certain crops has decreased. For example, in 2001, Puno was responsible for 81% of the national production of quinoa, but by 2016, this share had fallen to 45.2% . Even though this dissertation focuses on pre-existing vulnerability, an understanding of past and present climate dynamics will help us comprehend some of the challenges […]
These include alginates from brown algae and agar and carrageenans from red algae
A fit-free approach for the analysis of fluorescence spectral components in the microscopy images which does not require an a priori knowledge of the basis spectra was used. This technique is non-invasive and could be utilized to quantitatively identify different molecular species in live samples . In this work, we present a biometric tool developed […]
Triangulation of these methods improves the validation of results
The methods used for evaluating curriculum efficacy include 1) semi-structured teacher interviews, 2) student surveys , and 3) participant-site observation.Deeper understanding can be gained from a small set of cases on CCE, and best practices can then be applied to a larger universe of schools. More specific to each method, teacher interviews followed a six-question interview […]
Preliminary student surveys provide a baseline for student knowledge and engagement
In order to facilitate what scholars such as Anderson et al. 2018a refers to as the “agroecological transition,” already underway in many urban food ecosystems around the globe , we argue that applying an agroecological approach to inquiry and research into the diversity of sites, goals, and ways in which food is produced in cities […]
We then present findings from a survey of 35 diverse urban farm operations in the East Bay
Much of the literature is theoretical, focused on the production potential of urban agriculture, while more work is needed to understand and overcome barriers to access and distribution among communities in need. Without understanding the actual links between UA and food security or which specific characteristics, models or approaches reduce insecurity, urban policymakers and advocates […]
A key local input is the high-quality compost produced at Midnight’s Farm
Construction of greenhouses and hoop houses and commercial kitchens has enabled year-round production and preservation of the agricultural bounty. The average size of farms has decreased to 58 acres as the focus is more on small vegetable production than meat operations. Average market value of products sold per farm has decreased as well to just […]
Occupational exposure has also been shown to exacerbate asthma among workers previously diagnosed
Daily smoking among employees is also more common in workplaces with lax or absent smoke-free policies.Risk of SHS exposure in these environments is further compounded by potential exposure to other toxins, such as asbestos; workers in the building trades demonstrate higher risk for lung cancer and nerve damage as a result of work-place toxic exposures, […]
Pyrethroids were detected in house dust in several study homes
Imiprothrin was only detected in one of the urban homes which reported usage during the study; no other urban home had detectable imiprothrin levels indoors even though some of these households reported applying imiprothrin indoors prior to the study. Concentrations in samples collected 5-8 days apart in the same home were positively and significantly correlated […]
The reason for using cannabis in this patient was that pain relief was inadequate with Percocet
Consistent with these observations in other pathologies, cannabinoids may also reduce oxidative stress and pain in SCD.Erythrocyte adhesion, nitric oxide depletion, hemolysis, oxidative stress and inflammation accompany endothelial dysfunction in SCD.Endothelial activation causes upregulation of adhesion molecules including selectins, vascular cell adhesion molecule and intercellular adhesion molecule 1, which exacerbate vaso-occlusion and end-organ damage.CB1R and […]