Category: mobile grow equipment

Individuals with severe mental illness may be prone to develop SUDs

For participants with regular drinking, we asked participants how many drinks they consumed in a typical day using a question modified from NSHAPC.If participants drank 5 or more equivalents in a day, we classified this as binge drinking.We asked participants to report if they had ever received treatment for use of alcohol or illicit substances. […]

Drugs of abuse provide rewarding, pleasurable feelings that contribute to its reinforcement

The depth of this understanding, specifically the molecular consequences of adolescent nicotine use, allows for individualized treatment plans with a greater emphasis on medication interactions, care coordination, community resources, education, and advocacy. These clinical adjustments may contribute to decreases in addiction and drug-related emergencies.Prior to drafting this manuscript, the two authors independently evaluated and summarized […]

Our findings in Fresno County identified both similar and different risk factors for preterm birth

Data used for the study were received by the California Preterm Birth Initiative at the University of California San Francisco by June 2016.Not only did the risk models differ by residence within Fresno County, but the percentage of women with the risk varied greatly for some factors. In urban residences, 12.2% of women with preterm births […]

Use of several CPUs allowed processing of multiple subjects’ scans to occur in parallel

No differences were found between groups before initiation, suggesting alcohol use was related to aberrant cortical thinning, as opposed to cortical thickness being predictive of initiation of alcohol use. Furthermore, widespread cortical thinning and volume reduction has also been reported in alcohol dependent adults in frontal, temporal, and occipital regions . The goals of this […]

These domains and issues are particularly relevant for the SUD workforce as well

The past two decades have seen significant advances in our understanding of the neuroscience of addiction and its implications for practice [reviewed in ]. However, despite such insights, there is a substantial lag in translating these findings into everyday practice, with few clinicians incorporating neuroscience-informed interventions in their routine practice . We recently launched the […]

E-cigarette use continues to grow among the U.S. adult population

Furthermore, studies using obese Zucker rats demon strated that the CB1 inverse agonist, rimonabant, ame liorated proteinuria in an animal model of obesity induced nephropathy.Treatment with rimonabant partially restored creatinine clearance, reduced glomeru losclerosis and tubular-interstitial fibrosis, and lowered tubular damage and renal hypertrophy.It should also be noted that these findings may have been mediated by the effects of […]

Alcohol and water were delivered through Teflon tubing using a computer-controlled delivery system

Human studies examining CNS sequelae of chronic marijuana use provide evidence for increased metabolism and activation of alternate neural pathways within these regions . Further adverse effects may result from the pharmacological interaction of alcohol and marijuana, where THC has been reported to markedly enhance apoptotic properties of ethanol. In infant rats, administration of THC alone […]

Marijuana use is also associated with atypical neural profiles

Once respondents had been classified into different groups based on the trajectory analysis, we reviewed the characteristics of the respondents assigned to each trajectory to identify between-trajectory differences . We reviewed the characteristics of members of each trajectory; dichotomous variables are reported as percentages, and ordinal variables are reported with means and confidence intervals. Participants […]

Participants are compensated for their time with cash and/ or gift cards

They further suggest that attentional bias to threat may mediate the association between CB1 receptor availability in the amygdala and threat symptomatology, with greater CB1 receptor availability being linked to greater attentional bias to threat that is in turn linked to greater severity of threat symptomatology. Results of the current study build on extant neurobiological […]

Early research suggests that cannabis legalization does not lead to increases in adolescent cannabis use

The first column of Fig. 3 illustrates this data type using the Area Deprivation Index, a measurement of neighborhood deprivation derived from the American Community Survey. The second column in Fig. 3 illustrates traffic counts, which are point data that were obtained by surveying stations at various geographical locations. In contrast, raster data are usually […]