However, in our case, the low level of blood THC and the absence of urine do not allow to make inference on the time of the assumption. In developed countries, and even in developing countries, there is a rising concern on the part of health authorities on how diet can cause numerous diseases . Therefore, […]
Category: mobile grow equipment
These activities were based on increased understanding of the physiological processes involved
The crop is widely grown as an annual staple food and animal feed by resource-poor smallholders mostly on marginal infertile soils without purchased production inputs in countries of tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America, with a total cultivated area >20 million hectares producing over 240 million tons of fresh storage roots, more than […]
The therapeutic properties of Cannabis sativa have been recognized since ancient times
We observed no differences in reported coping strategies by cancer survivor status, which may be explained by the increased use of cannabis for non-medical purposes across the U.S. . The results of this study should be considered in light of the limitations of the study. First, due to the cross-sectional nature of the study, causation […]