However, in our case, the low level of blood THC and the absence of urine do not allow to make inference on the time of the assumption. In developed countries, and even in developing countries, there is a rising concern on the part of health authorities on how diet can cause numerous diseases . Therefore, several epidemiological studies have exposed that the consumption of diets with high quantities of fat and with a high content in saturated fatty acids induces many health-related disorders . Thus, one of the most effective behaviors to reduce the risk to develop several diseases is restraining the consumption of saturated fats. In this sense, meat and meat products are one of the principal dietary sources of saturated fats. These fats, which comprised between 30 and 50% of the product, are rich in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and they are considered a promoting factor in the development of several diseases including coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity and overweight, inflammation, oxidative stress, etc. .
As a result of these undesirable health effects of excessive fat consumption, the meat industry has had to adapt to these consumers’ requirements developing low-fat meat products with healthier lipid profiles. To achieve this objective, besides the reduction of fat content, numerous strategies have been tried including the direct addition of vegetable oils with healthier lipid profiles , the incorporation of vegetable oils with healthierprofile encapsulated in several matrices , the use of oleogels , and the use of gelled emulsions . Its formation consists of two stages; in the first, the O/W emulsion is elaborated, and in the second stage, the gelled emulsion is properly obtained with the formation in the aqueous phase of a drop structure of the emulsion inside of the cross-linked structure of biopolymers . To elaborate these O/W emulsions, several vegetable or marine oils, as well as mixes of them with a healthier fatty acid profile have been utilized, including chia oil, linseed oil, tiger nut oil, and algal oil, among others . Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that reducing or replacing the fat content in a meat product is not an easy task.
Animal fat is a basic ingredient in the processing of meat products due to its technological and sensory properties . Additionally, the addition of vegetables or marine oils with a healthier fatty acid profile may cause an acceleration of lipid oxidation reactions, which can lead to a decrease in the product shelf life as well as a deterioration of their sensorial and nutritional properties . As mentioned above, several vegetable oils can be used to elaborate gelled emulsion. Chia oil is a significant oilseed due to its nutritional composition, consisting of up to 65% α-linolenic acid and 20% linoleic acid in the unsaturated fatty acid fraction . Since 2014, it can be marketed in the European Union. On the contrary, hemp oil is not widespread on the market, although it is also characterized by an interesting fatty acid composition with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, in this composition, it is possible to find a high content, up to 75%, of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the unique ratio of 3:1 between omega-6 and omega-3. Hemp oil highly contains linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in the range of 50–60% and 20–25%, respectively . In addition, there are high amounts of chlorophyll in the oil due to the harvesting of high amounts of immature seeds .
With the objective to stabilize the O/W emulsion formed, several ingredients have been used. Pseudocereal flours seem to be excellent candidates for this application . They contain high-quality proteins, abundant amounts of starch with unique characteristics, large quantities of micronutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and bioactive compounds, and they are gluten-free, which makes them suitable for people suffering from various gluten intolerances. Their main component, starch, has many interesting features such as very small granules ready to form cross-link structures, which made them useful for stabilizing emulsions . For these reasons, interest in pseudocereals has increased immensely since the turn of the century, and research efforts have been intensified to include them in our diet. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop gelled emulsions using pseudocereal flours and vegetable oils , to determine their chemical composition, physico-chemical properties, and lipid stability, and to evaluate their stability during frozen storage. Meat plays a crucial role in human evolution and is an important component of a healthy and balanced diet , and meat consumption has long been an indicator of wellbeing. Despite the fact that today the amount of meat in human diets varies greatly among individuals within societies, meat consumption is rising, and current evidence suggests that increased consumption of meat, especially that of red and processed meats, will adversely affect public health . Therefore, for some nutrient-dense foods, which can increase noncommunicable disease risk when eaten in excess, dietary recommendations must encourage preventing overconsumption .