Tag: indoor marijuana grow

An alternative to real experiments is to have students collect data in a virtual environment

While renewed interest in psychedelic medicine is challenged by various funding and methodological and legal impediments, the emerging evidence indicating improved outcomes for some individuals suffering from mental health and addiction issues has generated new scientific inquiry and an imposing obligation to advance this research.Recent observational studies in the USA demonstrate significant associations between lifetime […]

Both THC and the endogenous cannabinoid anan damide  promote overeating in partially satiated rats

In particular, examination of biomarkers of stress and trauma in PLWH may help to understand mechanisms underlying the associations between TES and neurocognitive and everyday function observed in this study. Efforts to reduce trauma, poverty, and other stressful contexts and developing resources to help people manage and cope with past and current adverse circumstances could […]

This Article examines the chemical testing of psychoactive drugs

The most proportional significant shift in General Fund spending in 2021-2023 was the increase in Human Services, which was offset by reductions in the percentages going to Public Safety/Judicial Spending, K-12 Education and various minor programs. The increase in Human Services is largely driven by the legislature’s commitment to continue Medicaid coverage at least the […]

Intimate partner violence is also a correlate of drug use and harmful alcohol consumption

We then fit a partially adjusted model controlling only for the demographic covariates specified above. Lastly, we fit the final, fully adjusted model controlling for demographic covariates and marital/partner status and respondents’ reports of ART use in the past 6 months, as recorded at the 12 and 24 month follow-up interviews. A posthoc sensitivity analysis was performed […]

A series of studies show that college students perceive their peers as less critical of heavy drinking than they actually are

The fundamental attribution error could cause a person who witnessed wrongdoing to conclude that the actor usually does wrong, whereas the correct conclusion in most cases is that the actor occasionally lapses.Moral pessimism could also result from a tendency to believe that the behavior of others is instrumentally driven. The overestimation of unethical behavior could […]

No single training approach is comprehensive enough to eliminate these disparities

Both studies were completed in an average of six seconds, which allowed for rapid confirmation with minimal risk of desaturation. Additionally, this examination could be performed while capnography was being obtained, with both confirmatory methods used to support each other in equivocal cases. Operator confidence was high with both techniques, suggesting that both providers felt […]

Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized medicinal use of cannabis

Although the absolute improvement in quality scores was modest , the intervention resulted in the communication of approximately 100 pieces of additional information, any of which had the potential to improve the handoff process. A recent survey of EM residency programs in the U.S. found poor adherence to standardized ED-to- inpatient handoff practices,and our study […]

This study was a sub-analysis of a prospective observational study

Such encounters may also serve as a sentinel event for those at high risk for stroke, facilitating important changes in their health behavior.Physicians can seize on such teachable moments to educate high-risk AF/FL patients on stroke risk and prevention and, when appropriate, to recommend or prescribe anticoagulation.Initiating anticoagulation at the time of ED discharge for […]

We also report the use of an EDOU to help decrease hospital admission

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of healthcare utilization in patients with SCD that includes DH and ED observation visits, in addition to the routinely reported ED visits and hospitalizations. We intentionally “counted” each encounter, and the numbers are significant. We attempted to dissect the “locations” in an effort to […]

The registry should collect the prehospital management or link with the Thai EMS database

Data on treatment, outcome and post-crash transportation were collected from medical records. If a patient was admitted to the hospital, the outcome of treatment was reassessed at day 30 after a crash to be consistent with the World Health Organization definition of road traffic death. Alcohol-use information was obtained in various ways: from patients who […]